It is late as I sit here shoeless at my computer. It is just after midnight so it is a new day! My shoes today were calm. Today I was Predictions, a pair of beige mary janes with triangle shaped cutouts and a thin strap attached with velcro across the front. I go with everything because I am such a neutral color. Versitality is my middle name as I can be dress or casual. I was kept under the desk most of the day but I was very productive. I could hear the shuffling of a pile of mail being sorted and filed, i was lulled to sleep by the tap, tap, tapping of the computer keys as briefs were written and files documented. I even worked late today after making a mad 2 footed dash to send an overnight letter. The other shoes in the office was all abuzz about Survivor. Lex's speech and Big Tom's "not" handshake.
And that twist. Rupert had better win the extra million. He really deserves it. I voted for him 20 times today and will do even more tomorrow. I love Rupert. VOTE FOR RUPERT HERE! :) I wore my Predictons today and I predict Rupert will win!
Did you know you can make predictions with shoes? I did it with Rupert so I know he will win.
Common Shoe Predictions:
If you accidentally put your foot in the wrong shoe (right foot in left shoe or left foot in right shoe), make a wish as you put your shoes on the right way.
If you wish to dream of your sweetheart: Before you go to bed, place your shoes in a "T," with one shoe sideways at the tip of the other. With your hands on the shoes, say,"'T' wish; Be wish."
(A cross formed in the shape of a "T" is called both a Tau Cross and a Saint Anthony's Cross.)
Put salt and pepper on an old shoe and burn the shoe as you make a wish.
Before going out in new shoes, spit on them and make a wish.
Man I am tired. Taking these dogs to bed very soon as i finish my bottle of Guiness. That widget is wierd. First time I drank one, I did not know about that widget and thought something was wrong! Later I read the bottle. Still weird!
Amber was just on David Letterman...kind of a flat interview. Cute dress she had on. He also had the Black Eye Pea singers on. Not very familiar with them...they were okay. Some sort of rap-folk music combo.
Off to be I go. My lids are getting very heavy! Andy naybe not all from sleep! That Guiness seems very strong.