The drive down took about 10 hours. Normally it would take about 6-7, but we had to stop and have lunch at Red Lobster...which took awhile. The extra time came in before we made the decision to go to Red Lobster. We spotted a Cracker Barrel along the interstate and was trying to make our way to it when we realized we had passed the entrance. I tried to go up the road--hwy 203--and turn around to come back but there was no exit!! We had to travel for about 10 miles to turn around and when we did we had to get off on a clover leaf that was very hard to figure out. We got lost. We now know highway 203 eastbound and westbound! Finally after stopping at a World Market Store for directions, I got back onto 95 south and continued to the next food exit. Forget Cracker Barrel! We were able to eat and get back on the road to Disney World.
We arrived around 6:30pm. We were booked at the beautiful Coronado Springs Resort on the Disney property.
It was an absolutely beautiful place to stay. We stayed in the Ranchos--one of three hotel groupings at Coronado Springs. It was like being in the Southwest with the huge cacti and bubbling springs everywhere. We had to walk about a mile to the front building where all the restaurants and shops were located. The scenery was beautiful being on the lake. Pictures do not do the place justice. (A mile to eat and a mile back to the room for breakfast and dinner) I did walk about three miles each morning in addition to the miles we had to walk to eat. Up at 6 am to walk around that beautiful lakes. There were bunnies and ducks everywhere.
That first evening we unpacked, roamed the resort and did some pin trading. (I have about 300 pins that I have been trading for the past 4 years. We then planned out our day for the next day--the Magic Kingdom!