Same contest rules apply as below in the first post regarding the contest.
I am running a gmail limerick/link contest. Thewinner will get the gmail invitation. I need the best limerick you can writeabout SHOES! No vulgarities please. In addition I also need a permanent linkback to my site. The linking will be good as I may have other gmail invites in the future and you can check back often. In addition, I will also link back toeveryone who links back to me regardless of the gmail invitation. One good link deserves another. It may take a little time for me to link you by blogroll or button, but I will get around to it. I have a button on the side bar if you want to link by button. It is a shoe button.I will run it for the entire weekend. GMAIL winners will get their invitations Monday. (I will be out of town for the weekend and will be in a blog free zone the entire time so I will not have a chance to get back the this blog until Monday night!) Put those thinking caps on ...shoe limericks..shoe limericks...shoe limericks..shoe limericks...shoe limericks!
What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe!
~~Aileen Mehle~~