The Dearborn and the The Evans

Manolo says, here is the short article about the shoe designers the Ashley Dearborne and the Etu Evans.

The Ashley, she has earned the Manolo's affection for the saying of the following about the Uggs.
"I fucking hate them. Any trends that get out of control I can't really get behind. The minute that human beings lose their individuality is a sad day."
Manolo shouts, testify, sister Ashley, testify!

Here is one of the Ashley's designs, are they not super fantastic?

Ashley Dearborn Chaka Khan pump    Click!

Likewise, the shoes of the Etu Evans, they are most beautiful. The Manolo he adores this sandal.

Super Fantastic Etu Evans Orange Sandal   Click!

Manolo says, the Manolo he is indeed happy that the young designers they are making the shoes of beauty.