Super Fantastic or Fugly?

Manolo says, one of the Manolo's many internet friends has sent the Manolo the following question.
Manolo, these boots....are they super fantastic?  or super fugly?

Burberry Boots

Manolo says as with many things, the right girl, with the right clothes and the right attitude, she could make these boots most super fantastic.

For the Manolo, however, these Burberry boots they are certainly not "fugly", but they are the little too Mrs. Santa Clausy to be the super fantastic.

Manolo says, you want the red boots that are super fantastic on their own right, then perhaps you would like these.

Nancy Nancy - Damian (Red Croc Print) Manolo Likes!  Click!

Manolo says, yes, they have the very different feeling from the Burberry boots, and they are not as "practical" for the walking on the snow or the rain, but then who wears the red knee-high boots for the hike in the country?