A Little Off the Subject, but...

Every shoe girl needs her down time, right?

So I totally ditched work today and went and got a facial. Not just any facial, THE absolute best facial ever! And I swear I'm totally not exaggerating. If you're in the Southern California area... any part of it... it is worth your time to go and visit Jennifer Smith over at Cody Rose Salon. I have had many facials in my life but none compare to hers. I told her that her hands are magic, and I really think it may be true. There's no other explanation! ;)

How does this relate to shoes you ask? Well... it really doesn't, BUT while a mask is doing it's work on your face, Jen gives a killer foot rub. So there- it relates!! So go treat yourself cause The Shoe Girl said so! I love giving my best girlfriends gift certificates for these "magic" facials too. Who wouldn't love 90 minutes of bliss?