I'm not sure where my obsession with shoes stems from. I don't know that I can really pinpoint it to an exact moment or perfect pair. Take today for example. I had been coveting a certain pair of Coach peep toe ocelot print shoes since I received the Coach catalog in the mail last winter. So much so that I tore the page out of the catalog and pinned it up on my cubicle overhead at work. I looked at them on the Coach website and argued with myself for weeks over whether or not I could afford these little gems. At $248 the price didn't seem outrageous but I also didn't think I could justify spending that kind of money at the time. So I didn't buy them. Coach sold out and I thought my dream of owning these gorgeous shoes had died. I would google the style name from time to time in the hopes that I could find them somewhere but my quest seemed hopeless. Fast forward to May 2008. About a month or two earlier my husband had discovered the joys of Ebay. Then he turned my mom on to it who then turned me onto it. As Mother's Day was fast approaching she had found a purse that she wanted and sent me the link. It was on Ebay. So I created an account, bid on the purse, and won! About a week or so after the purse arrived I was back on Ebay and thought what the heck I'll give it a shot so I entered the name of my beloved Coach shoes into the search and lo and behold a miracle occurred. There they were. The Coach Daisey Ocelot size 6.5 AND they were $100 below the original retail price. I don't think I could have hit that "Buy it Now" button fast enough! They are making their big debut today. (I'm wearing them to work for the 1st time).