Call Me Crazy?

You might have to call me a little crazy after this post. I am thinking about having my bridesmaids walk down the aisle with cute clutch purses in lieu of flowers. (proceed to lookout the side of your's okay...I expect it)

But if a wedding is supposed to reflect the couple's style, clutches would certainly be categorized as something that I love. Who says that you have to walk down the aisle with flowers anyway? Is that in a handbook somewhere?

Will I be shunned by my guest if they see beautiful clutch purses coming down the aisle instead of flowers? Will they stand immediately up and walk out of the room? Will they stone me? I think not.

I am an eclectic girl and I like eclectic things. This actually makes my soul sing happy songs. I love the details matching too...a clutch with a bow will get a matching shoe with the bow. I clutch with a flower would get a shoe with a's all in the details.

Just a thought. I am pretty sure I will get some opposition on this one but what would be the big deal? We walk around all day with purses on a regular unnatural would it be for one to rock a bad clutch down the aisle....15 minutes TOPS!

I love it? Am I going too far? My planning juices are flowing and it takes someone like me to actually execute such a thought...but in my head it's quite "clessy" (spelled incorrectly purposely:)

Picture it. Black cocktail dresses, clutch and red sexy shoes. How fabulous! This is my version of "going green"...making sure all elements of the wedding can be used again...sounds good anyway!
I'm not going out of my way to be different but I don't want to go out of my way to be boring either:)

What do you think? Just an idea I am throwing around in my head...who knows, they may just walk down the aisle with some soulful eighth grade carnations after all!
***The clutch purses from the pictures above both come from The shoes with the bows are Nina Electra shoes. The flower shoes I believe I found on***

P.S. I promise not to make this into a wedding blog...this is just a great place to bounce ideas around. I am going to the Anthony Hamilton concert tomorrow...hopefully I will come back with some fabulous Real People Street Style pictures!

...oh...and Amen!