Dear Beautiful Shoe Designer Paul Smith,
I raved about your shoe just yesterday in this post. I was delighted to have discovered your beautiful shoe on an impromptu trip to a vintage/resale store. I need to know something though. It's just between me and you, no one else.
What did I ever do to you? Why would you create a shoe so beautiful that it single handedly changed my belief system and morals about white shoes? Do I know you? Did I date you and do you wrong? Did I steal money from you when we were kids? There has to be a logical reason why you would create a shoe that felt like I was walking on hot rocks.
Why would I discover your beautiful designer shoes on Saturday and hate you on Sunday? Do you have a vendetta against women? Did your mother do you wrong? Is this revenge? Please tell me. I need to know. There has to be a reason why when I stepped into church in your shoes that I felt like Lucifer himself was attacking my feet. Do you know how hard it is to play off hurt feet when you are strutting in church? DO YOU! YOU NEED TO KNOW...IT IS NOT EASY!
I want you to know how powerful my God is my dear Beautiful Shoe Designer. Instead of chucking these beauties out of the window doing 110 mph, I am going to still rock your shoe. I will rock them when I know that I have less than 10 paces from the car to my destination. Then I will sit and cross my legs in my seat and stroke you under the dinner table. To show you unconditional love. That's the kind of God I serve. A kind and merciful God.
So I say to you for inflicting pain on me...I AM SORRY and I STILL BELIEVE IN YOU! You will become a staple in my closet and I refuse to push your shoes to the back of my closet. Nope, I won't do it. I am going to learn to work with your creation. If it wasn't for that pretty wooden heel and the pretty pretty bow, I would have thrown your shoe in the pits of hell but that's not What Jesus Would Do:)
Will I actively seek out more of your creations in the future? No. But I will not forsake the ones that I have. They brought me such joy when I first laid my eyes on them. You can't have that moment back. It's mine. But I will not throw you in the Lake of Forgetfulness. You are mine and I cherish you even though you hate me.
I will end this letter with something positive. (That's what they tell us teachers to do when we are talking to parents about their bad kids:) I did feel pretty in your shoes every time I sat down.
God's Favorite Believer
Amen.................................................lol.....ouch ouch........lol!!!
Paul Smith Shoes,
Shoe Art,