The older I get, I get more grateful. I am grateful for my past, my present and my future. Most of all, I am grateful for my sanity because some people don't even have that. I know that everything and everyone in my life is there to serve a purpose. I am glad that I get another day to figure it out!
I could preach, but I won't. I remember a teacher once told me that the key to life is to just KEEP BREATHING...even I know that is not even something I can control. I am grateful for HIM who is in control though:)
Thank you for your readership, it really excites me to know that you guys read my ramblings.
The challenge is still going on...I will post pics later:)
I am 34 years old...WOW!!
...and I still can DROP IT LIKE IT'S HOT!
(I just aged myself by saying that!)