First of all, Thank you for all of the votes for that Blog Lovin contest I entered! Voting ends Monday but I know when to call a spade a spade! LOL!
Here are a few comments that I came across from the contest:
"Have y'all* seen the voting tally!!!! They are beasting on Reiko...but yeah you can do it sis...maybe they will send you a complimentary Alexander Wang COUPON for $5 off your next purchase for placing a distant 20th!"
(that comment was courtesy of my brother! LOL)
"Her style is colourful, out from boring diktats and really personal. Moreover, she’s a real woman :)"
(that came from someone who voted for me in the contest..HUGS to her!...and I don't know what 'diktats' means but I'm using my context clues!)
(BF's Jimi Hendrix tee from Target; Gap skirt; Thrifted scarf, L.A.M.B shoes)
Conversation with the bf:
Him: Hey babe, you know I love you right?
Me: Yep.
Him:(saying with hesitance in his voice) Well...have you seen the votes yet?!?
Me: I know fool! (laughing hysterically) Who is that Chiarra lady!??! She's got people!
Him: *still laughing*
Me: *my laughter starting to taper off a!*
(It's all good birthday is right around the corner...let's see who will be laughing then (wink!)
In all sincerity...thanks for the kind words and votes...and welcome to my new followers and lurkers

Here is a pic of the shoes (from I am wearing since I didn't get a good shot of them:)
I do want to clarify a few things to my new readers as a result of some of the comments on the message board for the contest.
1. I am not a professional blogger. I am a teacher. I have a job so it's rare that I get to run in fields of wheat to take pictures.
2. I do not have a photographer...I beg whomever is rolling is with me at the time or I set up that good ol' tripod:
3. I don't have a Canon camera...yet. I have a digital camera that fits in my pocket and only has a few buttons. (working on that though)
4. It's not easy putting yourself out there (especially your pictures) on the internet. I don't even lke people in my personal business so this definitely is not my comfort zone. It's not easy so criticism is sometimes hard to take (I haven't gotten any but I saw some nasty comments about other bloggers)
This is what I threw together this weekend. It's nothing special but I figured you should see what I look like on the weekends. I hi jacked the bf's closet and somehow decided the shirt that I bought for him needed to be worn that day. I had a busy weekend because I went out of town to go to a water park! That's nothing to you but that's a huge deal to me! I CAN'T SWIM! That means for 34 years I have avoided anything that has a pool or large bodies of water. I avoid pool parties, most trip to beaches, lakes,etc. When I was ten years old, I even took swimming lessons. On the last day of class, we all had to invite friends and family to watch us dive off a board. Yeah. So, I got on the diveboard, jumped in...and almost drowned!! I was the only person that didn't get a swimming certificate that day!(It's okay to feel sorry for me:)
(This is my one and only swimsuit..I must say that I love the neckline though!)
Then, when I was about 29 or 30...I took lessons at the Y. Ummm...yeah, I still don't know how to swim. Anyway, the point is I sucked it up and went to Schlitterbaun in New Braunfel, Texas (click here). My friends...I got on every single ride! Every one of them...and I didn't drown! Granted the water was never any deeper than 3 feet but I still am proud of myself! Of course, there was no way that I was going to give you a full swimsuit shot but I will say that I am way more modest than I should be! I saw alot of swimsuit travesties this weekend!
And last but not least, I went to dinner this weekend and spotted a group of ladies in full diva hats throwing back cocktails. I had to pull this lady to the side to get a picture because she was working it! I had a feeling they were dressed up to go see the Sex and the City movie and I was right! Isn't she fab!? And she broke right into this pose without me asking her to! lol!
P.S. Thank you BLoglovin for choosing me as a gives me the right to brag to my little brother who punched me in the stomach when I was little that I am somebody! People do like my style! (sticking my tongue out at him)
*Y'all- I'm from Texas:)
UPDATE!! The kind folks over at have created a coupon code for you guys to enjoy 10% off any shoe purchase over $50!
Coupon Code: godsfaveshoe
(every little bit helps, doesn't it!?!?)
UPDATE!! The kind folks over at have created a coupon code for you guys to enjoy 10% off any shoe purchase over $50!
Coupon Code: godsfaveshoe
(every little bit helps, doesn't it!?!?)