Ahem. May I have your attention please. I wrote yesterday's post on Tuesday night so when I said tomorrow, I actually meant yesterday. As in Wednesday. Confused yet? Anyhoo I picked up my Loubies on Wednesday and I couldn't be happier. I also talked to my colleague and dear friend Lizzy on Wednesday and asked her to make sure I don't forget to take pictures of my feet on a regular basis. Because despite my promise to try and remember to take daily shoe pics I haven't taken a single one yet this week. I'm afraid a picture (of my feet/shoes) is going to have to wait until Friday, which in turn means I won't have a Walking A Mile In My Shoes post until Monday. But it's coming. I promise :)
And now without further ado... the BIG reveal
I am absolutely thrilled with the work and if you are in the Saint Louis area I highly recommend
Cobblestone for all of your Louboutin needs. They also excel in other areas as well. A few years ago I took in a pair of Donald Pliner boots to have them resoled and the work was equally stunning.
TTYL my lovelies...