A visit from old friends is like a tonic. When I started University in Bristol I lived in Halls of Residence where upstairs from my room resided W...the loveliest, kindest girl I could have ever hoped to meet. Within weeks of us all starting Uni, she met J, who similarly was the loveliest, kindest chap she could have ever hoped to meet. Much like my husband and I, they met at eighteen and are now, many, many years later, happily married, with two gorgeous young boys. Knowing me as well as she does (cohabiting in those formative years, along with four other girls, prepares you for a lifetime of friendship and knowing each others foibles) she arrived with sweetpeas picked from her garden and homemade flapjack. She always did know the way to my heart.
Yummy flapjacks, being guarded by Boo 2...
Such easy chats ensued with these precious old friends; the ones we have been through life's ups and downs since our youthful days as students. J is a teacher and now a published author. He has even been featured on Radio 4's 'Women's Hour' (from a British perspective, it doesn't get much better!). I knew I was craving some old friend validation and it came in form of these two. I am full of fondness...and flapjack ;-)