Do you want to increase your chances of preventing knee and leg pain....a lower back pain injury...any dancer injuries? Today Deborah Vogel sent me the following:
I'm very proud to announce that Essential Anatomy: A Multimedia
Course for Dancers and Dance Teachers is now ready for purchase.
The first 10 purchasers will also receive a free copy of Tune Up
Your Turnout and the 6 audio CD set of Enhancing the
Body/Brain Connection. (give them as gifts to the dancers
in your life)
Essential Anatomy: A Multimedia Course is a 2 CD set
that covers the essential components of anatomy
that every dancer should know. Anatomy comes to life
through over 3 hours of quicktime movies using pictures and
animations to illustrate the spoken text. Included are
outlines and study guides for each unit so you can easily
begin to use this important information.
CD #1 includes the following units
Essential Vocabulary
The Pelvis
The Femoral Joint
The Knee
The Ankle and Foot
CD #2 includes
The Spine
The Ribcage and Diaphragm
The Upper Extremity
Teaching Tips
Education is the key to injury prevention. Dance Smart and Teach Smart
using the science of dance training to improve strength and flexibility
while minimizing the risk of injury.
Warmest regards,