The Terrible Two's

Today is my blog's 2nd birthday! I didn't think I would enjoy blogging as much as I do! In celebration...I had a dessert lunch with a good friend today and decided that I deserved the red velvet cake in honor of my blog! Thanks for all of the support, the lurkers, and the comments!
(By the way, these both are the actual pieces of gluttony that I overdosed celebrate the blog's bday of course!)

I was tagged as a Suga Doll by Trina over Ah Me So Hongry...So here goes. 10 more things about me that you don't already know...

1. I sleep all day and stay up all night lately.
2. I have mini-crushes on Anderson Cooper, Adam Levin, rapper T.I., Matthew McCaunehey, Idris Elba, Ben Stiller, Morgan Freeman with the gray hair...not Morgan Freeman circa Lean on Me. Weird, I know.  And none of these trump my first love...COMMON!
3. I am a Fang Banger! (I watch True Blood and love the Twilight movies/books)

4. I turn the channel every time that PSA/Commercial about babies getting the "whooping cough" comes on! It creeps me out and makes me sad. I can't handle the sound of  a baby choking...which is of course the purpose of the PSA but geesh...I can't handle it!
5. Sometimes when I drive, I try to read signs and billboards backwards...I have no idea why. I think it's because I want to be prepared if I ever get pulled over for drinking and the cop asks me to recite the alphabet backwards...I will be able to do it.

6. I don't drink enough to ever get pulled over by a cop as mentioned in #5.
7. I once was "held up at gunpoint" when I was in High school at the clothing store where I worked. It happened near closing time and my dad was in the parking lot waiting to pick me up while it was happening...and I didn't quit because I needed a job! lol!
8. I can play Sheila E's "Glamorous Life" and Jesus is the Light of the World on the keyboard...the first few chords only...and very slowly! lol

9. I once got into a physical altercation with my neighbor because of my dog...and another physical altercation at Home Depot years ago because this lady hit me in the back of my leg with her basket on purpose.
10. I don't do  things as mentioned in #9 anymore...I am much more zen now...unless you bump me with your shopping basket on purpose then all bets are off! Please don't judge me because of #7 and life wasn't really that volatile! LOL

I will pass this on to whomever is brave enough to take the challenge!

(By the way, I don't really ever remember my blog's birthday. I get a renewal statement to keep my domain name around this time every year...hence the only reason why I know it's my bloggy bday...just in case you think that I take it that seriously:)