And the Winner of the Anthropologie Necklace is ...

Thanks to all your wonderful lovelies who participated in my giveaway! I appreciate you all having taken the time to enter this contest and I seriously cannot thank you all enough for reading my little blog.

Without further ado, using to select a number from 75 entries (74 in the giveaway post and 1 entry that was put in the comments from another post), here are the results.

And the winner of the lovely Grandma's Treasure Trove necklace from Anthropologie is:

Jamie from Thrifty Threads!

Please check out Jamie's blog if you haven't had a chance to yet! She's got an awesome sense of girlish style, is a fellow Anthro-lover and has a nose for great deals! Congrats, Jamie, an e-mail will be coming your way!

Thank you all again for your great support! Without the support from my beautiful blogee friends, 200+ posts on this little blog would have never happened.