
I'm about to go on a warned. I am about to talk about some rappers who have like 3000 times more money than me so don't feel bad if you have no idea who or what I am talking about...just look at the pictures, nod your head and smile:)

Did you hear that rapper T.I got busted again for a drug charge only a few months after being released from jail. T.I. might be the only rapper that I openly admit to liking because he is too cute and makes angry motivational songs that make me "buck my chest and throw gang signs in the car" on my way to work. Plus, he looks awesome in a suit and has no tattooes which I admire only because that goes against the grain of the look of a typical hip-hop artist. Bla bla bla...yadi yadi ya...I like him.

(I spotted someone watching me as I was taking these pics)
But dude, come on. You just got out of jail and you have the number one movie of the week! Why do people with talent and money find ways to screw it up? Meanwhile I'm poor and can't sew, hum, scratch a record or bake a cupcake without calling the fire department and I've managed to stay out of trouble. Geesh! And his woman was busted with him. They are taking this Bonnie and Clyde way too  far.

*raises hands and drops the mic*

End scene. No judgement zone back in full effect.
(Target Belt/Shirt; BCBG shoes, Thrifted skirt)

In completely unrelated yet wholesome news, one of my students surprised me with my favorite cookies today! DOUBLE STUFF Golden Oreos! I may have mentioned in class a time or two that Golden Oreos make me happy. We've been doing "getting to know you" activities and I told my classes that Golden Oreos are a major food group according to my personal food pyramid.

 In 1st period, kids kept asking me if I had seen Juan* yet and I kept looking at them like they were crazy. Juan* finally came to class and he had a bag of Oreos to give me. He even told me that he bought it with his own money! How cute is that!?!?

Needless to say Juan* earned the class the right to listen to music during class. I'm ashamed that I accept cookies instead of the typical "teacher" apple...but not ashamed enough  to give the cookies back:)

*His name isn't really Juan*