Busy busy week...everything is taking pace now as if in sync with the month of November. The work decision: I have to admit I took the easy road. After a bit of soul searching I decided, why make life hard for myself? I work because I enjoy it; simple as that. Every now and then my ego gets the better of me and I feel like I could...in fact I positively
should...progress and grow. I was asked to consider a bigger role, something completely different, very much out of my comfort zone. Ultimately though I decided against it. I work part time and this role required a lot more than that. I have made my choices; I want to be there to collect my kids after school, so I said 'no'. Helped along the way to this decision by my trusted confidants who asked that insightful question as they know me so well - 'do you really want to take this on Lou? Think about it, picture the scene...'. So there you go, we live and learn.
And so to beautiful things of classic elegance...
I am so tired this week after nights of broken sleep, I am wishing for some time here:Beautiful Helena Christensen...A room for a reader...Molly Ringwald in crisp, white shirt elegance...I think I need to advertise this list to those who know me...I am a true introvert...Marion Cottilard in the coolest dress...Cary Grant on a rainy sidewalk...
Parisian style...love the whole look.Emma Watson in Vogue wearing some diamond delights...Thank goodness it's the weekend! Have a lovely one.