I posted something earlier then an hour later took it away (and I never do that!) so I am formless today, with nothing all that worthwhile to say. I keep typing then deleting...I am out of sorts. So just these wonderful blooms instead of words. And speaking of pictures; here is fate for you. I love a particular painter called Jessica Cooper and we kinda follow her work. We have been lucky enough to buy two of her pieces. So there was this one painting that my husband always loved and we saw years ago but that we never really pursued. Recently just ad-hoc, I contacted the gallery in question to see if the painting was still available. Turns out it had gone into storage; suggesting that no one wanted it. The combination of tracking it down long after we first saw it, and that it was alone in storage made us want it even more. Now some would say this painting is not a good investment as no one else wanted it, but for me, it's as good as it gets as it means something. It has a story. And if nothing else, shouldn't something like art - that you save up for and buy and treasure and pass down generations in your family - have meaning? It's being delivered today :-)