I work in the social care sector, hold slightly progressive views and read the Guardian online. People like me seem to have a desire to turn Britain into a Scandinavian country- more relaxed yet efficent, clean and healthy and with less inequality and social disorder.
Can Britain become a Scandinavian country? Why not? We have a lot in common. We are a north European nation speaking a Germanic language. Plenty of British people are descended from Viking settlers from the time that we were part of the long-forgotten Danish empire. We have a welfare state, a monarchy, a cross in our flag and we are Protestant.
Of course if Britain were to become a progressive liberal Scandinavian country, we will all have to adopt the progressive custom of removing shoes at the door. In my opinion, however wonderful the Swedish welfare state might be, the most wonderful thing about Norway and Sweden is the fact that people take their shoes off when entering homes. Scandinavia is clean and healthy.