Free Ballet Classes for Boys - Ballet San Jose SCHOOL

If you aspire to be one of the men in ballet, here's some news:

from the San Jose Ballet July newsletter:
"Free Ballet Classes for Boys 7 and Up

Ballet San Jose SCHOOL is trying something new this summer...FREE CLASSES FOR BOYS.

A free series of four ballet classes for boys, age 7 years old and up will be offered July 12 through August 2. No previous dance experience is necessary. For boys who have always wanted to give dancing a try...this is the opportunity. All classes will be held in the Ballet San Jose studios located at 40 North First Street in downtown San Jose.

Ballet San Jose School Ballet Master, Peter Brandenhoff, will teach the boys Class. Mr. Brandenhoff studied at Royal Danish Ballet before embarking on an illustrious international dancing career. You can read more about Mr. Brandenhoff here. Boys Class will take place on Saturdays, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., July 12 – August 2. Because this class is free, Ballet San Jose School asks that students make the commitment to attend all four classes – this is not an open “drop in” class.

The required dress code is a plain white t-shirt (not too long, or baggy – must fit well), black shorts, white socks, and black or white ballet shoes. The school has black ballet shoes in some sizes available for purchase. Shoes can also be purchased at Bay Area dance supply stores including Victoria’s Dance and Theatrical Supply in San Jose, or Dance Attire in Mountain View.

For additional information, or to register for Boys Class, contact Kristin Bertrand, School Administrative Director, Ballet San Jose School at (408) 288-2820 x 218".".