I went to the Bible study at our American pastor's house again yesterday. Again, everybody removed their shoes.
A girl explained to the pastor's wife that the Ugg boots she was wearing were slippers. I had heard that some people use Ugg boots as slippers, but I had never seen anybody doing that. Girls always seem to wear them outdoors. The first time I saw Ugg boots I thought they looked hideous, but I have gotten used to them. But I simply cannot understand girls wearing Ugg boots on hot summer days. Their feet must be so sweaty.
The pastor's house is the first shoes-off house I have visited in the UK (remember my definition? 'A home where there is a manifest expectation that shoes will be removed.'), though it is interesting that the occupants are Americans.
I remember a while ago reading a discussion thread about shoes-off policies. A commenter on the thread mentioned a vicar she knew who had a strict shoes-off policy on account of the many visitors he and his wife had.
Religious ministers are a group of people who are likely to have more visitors to their homes than other people. For that reason, I think that they would be very wise to adopt the shoes-off rule. If you are a Christian, please think about your church minister's carpet or floor when you visit him. They often do not earn much money so they can't afford to get regular carpet cleaning or replace their floors.