on the 24th september, stef from 'chicks on tap' and i recorded the shoes and socks off acoustic album. it was all done by bed time. real proud of it. we had planned to release it on our label 'run for your life', but it was going to be put on hold for a while because we were busy with the shield your eyes album. then neville bartos from 'big scary monsters' got in touch, and said that he wanted to release it. good news. so i told him the plan. the plan is to release the album twice. once as an acoustic album, as the songs were written, and then again as a full orchestration, with drums, programming, mellotrons and anything else i can find. rhys baker (our own devices) is getting his teeth stuck into this project as we have been meaning to work together for a while. nev seemed to like the idea, so this is what is happening. in december the acoustic album will be released on BSM and run for your life. it is called 'from the muddy banks of melitzer'. gonna be touring it for the first two weeks of december. then in march we will be releasing the full album, entitled 'hand-reared suburban piglet'. im lucky enough to know some talented people and some of them will be making guest appearances on the recordings such as cassette cassee, slightly, henri grimes (shield your eyes), guns or knives, oli knowles (meet me in st. louis), al horner (the crowns on the rats orchestra/hikikomori broadcast), alexander petersen (the crowns on the rats orchestra/the robot vs) and a few other people that have yet to confirm. im too tired to write more. i will get back on tomorrow maybe with a video of the recording.
good evening.