Testing, Testing...

So I wore them out last night. The sequins pants! I felt very rock n roll, as you can tell by the blackout eyeshadow and silly pose up there. 

I love them you guys, I really do. I got a lot of comments on them ranging from boys saying "Woah, what ARE those!?" to girls "OMG I wish I could wear those!" They're technically jeans with a little stretch to them. They have pockets and belt loops and everything! They're a bitch to sit down in, and if your thighs touch (mine do) they make noise when you walk- but they're totally worth it I think! I just walk a little bow legged in them and I'm fine. ;)

Well... I think you should try it out ladies! They're so fun and fabulous! Here's the link, in case. 

(tops- C&C, and American Apparel, pants- TopShop, shoes- Hale Bob)