Highs and lows...and highs again

I had such a wonderful sunny weekend. Typical weather-obsessed Brit - but trust me, read any British blogger over the last couple of days and there will be commentary about the weather. It has been GLORIOUS! After Saturday was spent lolling the hammock, Sunday was even better with an impromptu invite to some good friends who live in the most beautiful part of the coast very near here, called Bosham. We spent the day at their house, children running free, swimming, burgers, rose wine, idle chat and general appreciation for such a gift of a day. Sometimes the unplanned ones are the best...

I took this in their garden - those are boat masts in the background...

So now, Monday morning. I get up, have a cuppa earl grey, contemplate the day and catch up on blog posts...consider it my morning ritual. So - two things; I note with absolute delight that I won one of Simone's blog birthday giveaways, which is just, well it's very cool. I never win. Ever.  Plus Simone has always been abit of a Fairy Blogmother to me (and many others). So that's all very exciting.

Second thing, I proceed to read another blog that mentions the last episode of Lost. Now it has aired in the US, and did I think, here, but at some ungodly hour. I have invested years of my life and the most cerebral parts of my brain into Lost and now it's at an end, I have yet to see the finale, but let's just say it's a big deal. My husband and I have watched it all the way through, as in I don't believe we have missed an episode. I did once get into spoilers but you know what? That spoiled things. So I honestly have no idea what will happen. So I sleepily read a blog post this morning that mentions it and how sad it was and something about heaven and so now, what to do? I need to know! I must wait to watch it with my husband and that will not be til Friday - arrgghhhh. If nothing else, no more Evangeline Lilly who is just about the most gorgeous girl on earth...miss you Kate and don't even get me started on Jack and Sawyer...