Nothing to write home about, but here were my outfits this weekend (yes, I do have like twenty pairs of khaki shorts):
Many thanks to the wonderful do-it-all mom and fashionista Melissa from A Working Mom's Closet for the "Lovely Blog Award" tag! I am supposed to reveal 7 facts about myself and tag 7 other bloggers.
Here's my 7 completely random facts about me:
1. I love carbs with a fierce passion and I don't mean that lightly. I've bought whole baguettes before and eaten them within a day all by myself. If I buy a big fresh loaf of bread from the bakery, I may very well eat the insides out of it in one sitting, because I've done that more than once!
2. We didn't get our first computer in my life until I was in junior high. I believe it was a 486 (does anyone still remember WorldPerfect and that dangable bright blue screen? Argh!) and it was also around then that I went onto the Internet for the first time - dial-up baby! My first true online experience was through the chat site Talk City where you can enter in group message rooms and "chat" with people. I had zero idea what I was doing at the time, but I did make up a fake personality for myself and made virtual friends with this personality. I'm embarassed to think of that now with the reputation that chat rooms have for being a haven for creepy people, because I can't help to think that I might have been one of those creepy people!
3. I had Lasik surgery a few years back to correct my vision and that has changed my life. I used to be completely dependent on contacts or glasses, and actually started losing my vision back in elementary school. You have no idea how awesome it is to be able to wake up each morning and be able to just see!
4. I attended a specialized science high school, but science was my worst subject (I barely passed physics and am pretty sure I only passed chemistry because my teacher felt bad for me - seriously).
5. In elementary school, I once stole a Sweet Valley High book from the local supermarket. I was wearing my big winter coat, found myself alone in the book aisle while my dad was checking out, and pocketed the item. I couldn't tell you why I had done it as my dad would have easily bought the book for me, but I hadn't gotten caught and I was not a repeat offender.
6. I am a hearty eater and not typically a picky one. However, I can't stand to eat stuff like cottage cheese, oatmeal or apple sauce - visually and textually they resemble already chewed foods and I just can't get past that!
7. I can't sing, I can't dance, I can't play any musical instruments. I took one year of piano lessons when I was little but gave that up because I lost interest - same for ballet. In junior high, I had the option of picking band or Latin for an elective and ... salve, mihi nomen est Lisa. Sona si Latine loqueris!
Here are the lovely ladies that I tag for this award (it's always so hard to choose for these things and sorry! if I name someone already picked from someone else):
♠ Pamela from ginger girl
♥ AppGal from Musings on the Mountain
♦ Melanie from Unravelled Threads
♠ Aimee from all things aimee.
♥ Fallon from Better With Smiles
♦ Becca and Ashley from Free Honey
♣ Diana from OneCraftyFox