Another busy work week for me; my work life is like a 'deja-vu' from this time last year so I am spending my days trying learn the lessons from the last big and extremely challenging project I was involved with. My mantra is 'you can only do your best, you can only do your best!' More soul-searching about whether to work or not and precious input from different friends. One friend who made me think maybe I think too much! So I am trying a new approach; it's simple - smile, let it go, be kind and others will be kind to you. Slightly abstract but worth a try! What do you think?
...ever classic, even in a raincoat, Olivia P... |
I like this simple room; boats and feather pictures and white-washed walls...
If only I weren't, but I so am...
Really really tried hard to stop and take time to read this week; it's not gone that well. A couple of pages here and there...
via pink and green owl |
Time for some 80's nostalgia... 'what a feeling...'
...the 'sorry and aren't you clever scene' from Flashdance... |
I have the first blooming hyacinths of the season in my house and they smell divine...
Yet more Danish art...
by Peter Vilhelm Ilsted 'Two of the Artist's Daughters at Liselund' |
via the bottom of the ironing basket | her face; Emily Blunt... |
via my little things |
Have a serene weekend...
love Lou Lou xx