This is what one looks like the night before they should've gone to church...but didn't:(
Met some old friends and new friends out for a late dinner. One thing I know now that I didn't know before but should have known...apparently it's not illegal to smoke in restaraunts. I didn't know that...and now my vintage coat smells like I've been turning tricks with truck drivers.
(My hair is in a super high bun)
But not just any truck driver...the truck driver who wins awards for smoking the most cigarettes in his rig. I gotta watch the news more or would've known that people still smoke in restaraunts. new year's resolution...WATCH MORE NEWS!
(Urban Outfitters Tee/Zara skirt/Pour La Victoire Booties/LV Speedy 35/ Vintage overcoat/Aldo Earrings)
I would also like to share that I'm a genius (not really). These earrings I'm wearing got tarnished because I accidentally spilled Chic Fil A lemonade on them. I was driving and eating. The earrings were stopping me from enjoying my food so I pulled them off and placed them in the cupholder part of my console. Somehow, I wasted some lemonade on them and they tarnished. I went back to exchange the earrings but they were all gone. One would think that I would have just gotten a store credit. Nope. Not me. I went to Walmart and bought gold spray paint and voila...they were reborn.