Off to Europe!

Well friends, I'm off! I'm leaving my puppies and husband behind for a whirlwind of shopping mania! A couple co-workers and I are going to be running around soaking in all the latest trends in footwear and fashion for the next week or so, then I'm off to Morocco with my parents and sisters. I'm excited and overwhelmed at the same time. Were going to 3 countries in 4 days and packing for a 3 week trip is really hard- especially when it's basically 3 separate trips. Shopping/Fun/Family.

Anyway- I'll try to keep you updated as much as possible. I went back and forth on whether or not I was going to bring my laptop (and therefore, my blog) but I decided to pack the extra 5.6 Lbs ;)


While I'm in London, Paris, Milan, Florence, and Morocco is there anything you'd like to see? I'm officially taking requests now so let me know!
