Over the weekend, we had this freak summer weather; for April this is unheard of. We went to the beach hut and marvelled that the Great British Public (GBP) had seized the day and hit the beach. People who had clearly woken up well inland had trekked to the coast with high hopes of a sunny beach day; and they got it! The GBP are...
it's almost palpable in every news bulletin mention...getting ready for the flurry of bank holidays over Easter, and specifically the Royal Wedding (RW). Now, I am all for Will and Kate but there is a degree of RW fatigue growing in me. However I am shushing it away being patriotic and will concentrate on celebrating the big day with bunting and union jack flags and friends to watch it on the big TV. This is where the GBP come into their own.
Something about the new season of Spring has inspired me. I want to shake things up after winter. I am feeling sluggish and have a covering of winter weight on me. I have got some of my summer clothes out from last year and they feel tight and constricting, so this means I need to loose some weight. Those who know me will despair at this prospect as I am, in the minds of most, pretty slim. I am; I agree and I am really lucky for that fact. But being slim does not mean being fit and healthy, nor does it mean that my old clothes will fit me again! I have invested too much in that wardrobe to let it go to a few pounds. So today I start a Spring detox...
I am spending a disproportionate amount of time worrying about the fact that my hair is going grey.
A resounding OMG! It seems that in the last few months something has shifted a gear in the aging process and as a result I have greys coming through at an alarming rate. Something about this shocks me (I bet Kate Middleton doesn't have this problem) despite the fact that it's common to almost all my friends. So, I am gonna have to do something.
I need to take charge. Hairdresser is booked; it's time to get those greys tamed.
I just want to be the best version of myself. The older I get the more upkeep required; that bloom of youth isn't quite so
natural anymore. But it's OK; I have decided in my infinite wisdom that I have infact grown into myself, so I embrace this...honestly, I do!