Vote For Shanda!

Vote for my blog buddy, Shanda Ferguson's artwork to be featured on a H&M T-Shirt!
There's nothing in it for me...she doesn't even know I'm posting this:)

I just think she is uber talented! And it's H&M...That's a big deal!

Good Luck Shanda!!

Vote for her here!

I would love to see her artwork on a H&M tshirt...a store we DON'T have in Houston so I would have to rely on one of you lucky "sonofaguns" to send me one...if she wins of course:)

And she is doing work for VH1! She's a big deal I tell ya!

P.S...Do you think I can get that body in 2 weeks while still eating cookies and burgers?
Just kidding RO (my workout buddy)!!!

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