You Should be Dancing, Yeah

Jen from vintageglammz had a hilarious post yesterday about figuring out when posing for an outfit shot, she has a handful of go-to poses she adopts and then copies over and over. That got me scrolling through some of my recent outfits and call me embarassed, I am apparently queen of the hand on hip semi-turned crossed leg pose. And I groan-worthily repeat that a lot.


So in an effort to break out of my pose rut, I'm temporarily trading in fashion blogger Lisa for my former model, goofy boogie Lisa. Goofy boogie Lisa likes to make faces at the camera and reenact scenes from Saturday Night Fever when the camera timer is going off. Goofy boogie Lisa thinks that there is no such thing as an outtake and yawns in the face of fashion blogger Lisa for her wannabe cloy over-the-shoulder poses, hands always on the hips.

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Goofy boogie Lisa is only back for a limited time though, as she's difficult to control, shoulder dances at inappropriate times, has a terrible attitude and a habit of making a regular mini skirt look not-so-lady-like - but she may come back for a few guest appearances when she thinks fashion blogger Lisa is taking herself way too seriously and needs an outfit pose shakedown.

Mental note to file away? Loosen up, we don't need to take ourselves so seriously sometimes. Peace out!

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Top: J. Crew gypsy rose (worn here before - similar here as tank, here as blouse)
Sweater: Loft pocket (similar here, here)
Skirt: J. Crew (worn here before - very sim here as a dress, similar-ish as maxi here)
Shoes: Seychelles sophia (worn here before - not sim but really cute here)
Bracelets: Sweet Auburn Studio via Etsy / Old Navy (similar here)