Bush and the War on Terror

Waging and Winning the War on Terror

During his term in office, the President has led a steady and systematic campaign against global terrorists and their allies. Since the terrorist attacks on September 11th, the United States has waged two of the swiftest and most humane wars in history: Afghanistan and Iraq. Fifty million people have been liberated from two of the world's most brutal and aggressive regimes - and the terrorists' foreign operating bases are being taken away. More than three-quarters of al Qaeda's known leaders and associates have been detained or killed. In the war to liberate Afghanistan, the United States built a worldwide coalition of 70 countries that destroyed terrorist training camps, dismantled the brutal Taliban regime, denied al Qaeda a safe haven in Afghanistan, and saved a people from starvation.

On October 9, the people of Afghanistan went to the polls to elect their president, and took another major step in their steady march to democracy. This election was the result of a careful and deliberate grass-roots process that enabled Afghans to choose representatives to draft a constitution and set the rules and procedures for elections. Three years ago, women in Afghanistan were whipped in the streets, executed in a sports stadium, and beaten for wearing brightly-colored shoes. Schooling was denied to girls. Today, the constitution gives women the right to vote and guarantees freedom of expression, assembly, and religion.

On March 19, 2003, the United States and its coalition partners launched Operation Iraqi Freedom. Three weeks later, Saddam Hussein's regime was toppled from power. Today the former dictator is awaiting trial in prison rather than ruling in a palace. Sovereignty has been transferred to the Iraqi people, and free elections will be held in January 2005. The President has effectively recruited new allies in the War on Terror. Three years ago, Pakistan was one of the few countries in the world that recognized the Taliban regime, and al Qaeda was active and recruiting in Pakistan without serious opposition. Today, the United States and Pakistan are working closely in the fight against terror, and Pakistani forces are rounding up terrorists along the nation's western border.

Three years ago, Yemen stonewalled the investigation of the USS Cole bombing; today, Yemeni authorities have moved against al Qaeda in their own territory and hosted Army Special Forces to train and advise Yemeni troops in counterterrorism. President Bush has actively worked to halt the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. He led the creation of the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), a broad international partnership of more than 60 countries that is interdicting lethal materials in transit. These nations are sharing intelligence information, tracking suspect international cargo, and conducting joint military exercises. The President also spearheaded the establishment of the G-8 Global Partnership, which over 10 years will provide $20 billion in nonproliferation and weapons reduction assistance to the former Soviet Union.

What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe!

~~Aileen Mehle~~