Schoolgirls Bake up A Poison Cake for Classmates

OKAY! When I heard this story below I was appalled. It is really sad. You would think that if you have a school party and parents/kids bring things in for a party or a treat that it would be safe to eat.

Supposedly the girl who whipped it up has some sort of mental illness/disease but that is no excuse. A cake with bleach, glue and expired prescription drugs! It is a wonder noone was killed. What is this world coming to?

How would you feel if you were one of those parents? The father of the girl who who baked up the cake is saying it is all a prank gone bad. Should she be excused because she has some sort of mental problem? I do not think so. I think she needs to stay right where she is now. In jail. She might be the next female "JIM JONES!" Remember him? The cult leader who killed all his cult members with the poison kool-aid.

She is the next female Jim Jones.


The father of one of two 13-year-old girls accused of serving poisoned cake to about a dozen students said Thursday he and his daughter were sorry it happened. "It was a horrible prank that went too far and a lot of people have suffered," the father told The Associated Press. The man asked that he not be identified by name to protect his daughter. The girls were held on assault charges Wednesday, a day after handing out the cornbread cake at East Cobb Middle School. Lab tests showed the icing contained an expired prescription drug, bleach, clay and hot-pepper sauce, police said.

Eleven students who ate it were treated at a hospital and released. Both teens were charged with 12 counts of aggravated assault with intent to commit murder. One girl was also charged with terroristic acts and interference with government property. Both are still in custody, the father said. Because the investigation is ongoing, Cobb Police Department spokesman Dana Pierce declined to comment on exactly how dangerous the cake was believed to be, saying only that it was potent enough to cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The father said the two girls had been bored Tuesday and began playing around in the kitchen. "It was not any kind of malicious intent," he said. "They thought it would be funny. They know it's not funny now."

The father said his daughter was diagnosed this summer with Asperger's syndrome, and that doctors told him the girl should not be in a conventional school setting. Asperger's is an autism-related condition characterized by social and communication deficiencies.

What I do is kick them in the pants with a diamond buckled shoe!

~~Aileen Mehle~~