Manolo says, the Hasselhoff, he is the one mighty fine looking man. (And that Bo Duke, he is not the bad looking either.)
Manolo says, when the Manolo, he was the young poor boy, before he became the famous designer of the shoes, he would dream of the stars of the Hollywood, especially the David Hasselhoff, and the Knight Rider.
At night, after the hard day of the poverty, the Manolo he would lay in the dark of the his cold, dirty apartment, listening to the rats scurrying, and dreaming that the Manolo he would rescued by the eccentric billionaire industrialist, who would give the Manolo his own super fantastic KITT Trans Am, one that could use the many features to help the Manolo in the making of the super fantastic shoes.
Together, the Manolo and his Trans Am they would fight the crime and the un-super un-fantastic shoes.
MANOLO: KITT, are those the Birkenstocks I see on the Scope of Infrared Tracking?