The Evil of the Lagerfeld

Manolo says, one of the Manolo's many friends has sent the Manolo the following story from the Hello proving the evil of the Lagerfeld.
Karl Lagerfeld, whose first collaboration with H&M debuted this week, has declared he will never work with the Swedish retailer again after it produced his designs in larger sizes. The style guru, who underwent a dramatic transformation when he lost over six and a half stone two years ago, was apparently incensed at the idea of big-boned consumers wearing his clothes.

"What I designed was fashion for slender and slim people," he said. "That was the original idea."
Manolo says, the Manolo he does not care if the plump women they wear the Manolo's shoes, in fact, the Manolo he loves he plump womens, they too can be super fantastic!

Look! Here is the picture of the plumping-up Rachel Hunter.

The Big Beautiful Woman!

Manolo says, is the Rachel not beautiful, even as she is gaining the weight her twin-sister, the Anna Nicole has lost?

The Lagerfeld, he must be stopped!