GFS Thrifting Style (Part 1)

(Thrifted Shoes only in above pic)

I get quite a few inquiries about how I thrift. I can't say that there is an exact science. I just kind of go with what feels right and usually get really lucky. So, I'll share what I know. This is based totally on my experience alone. If it works for you...great. If not, just laugh at me:)

1. NEVER, EVER, EVER go in "looking for something" specific. You will get let down every time. I always find what I am not looking for when I am looking for something else.

(Thrifted Dress/belt/bag)

2. Go in with the mindset of finding basics for your wardrobe. The number one staple in my wardrobe are Blazers. That literally is the first place I head when I walk in a thrift store. Blazers are my safety net for most outfits. Anything goes with a blazer.

(Thrifted jacket/dress/belt)

(Thrifted Christian Dior Blazer...yes, I had to namedrop)

3. Don't get stuck on sizing. Usually when thrifting, the clothes are older which means that the sizing system may have been different than it is today. I clearly wear a solid 12 but I've bought jackets that are a size 8 and dresses that are a size 14. If I am standing at a rack, I usually start two sizes down and keep going 2 sizes past 12. Hope that makes sense.

(Thrifted Vintage Gloria Vanderbilt Nurse's Dress/Vintage handbag)

4. Know your name brands...really I should say "quality". Know what is worth it, and what's not worth even a dollar.

(Thrifted Burberry men's shirt)
5. On the flip side of #4, don't buy things just because you recognize the name brand. Buy it because you like it.

(Thrifted dresses)

All pics are of my thrifted loot over the last 6 months...that white nurse dress is from Halloween. I don't walk around wearing costumes....or do I? (insert Dr. Evil laugh)

(Part 2 coming soon:)

(Are we over the New Year "hype" now?)