Top: Lands' End striped boatneck
Scarf: H&M
Belt: Deena & Ozzy stretch from Urban Outfitters
Skirt: Ann Taylor Loft cotton tulip
Wedges: Aerosoles Vice Squad
And My Psuedo-Domestic Goddess Moment:
BF's favorite thing in the world is a chocolate milk shake made with vanilla ice cream and Hershey's syrup. Since we were making dinner on Sunday, I thought it'd be cool to try a twist to BF's fave and remembered reading about a marshmallow shake from Rachael Ray's magazine (*hangs head in shame* yes, I read her magazine, but if she says "EVOO" one more time ...).
A quick Google-fu chop later and I was swimming in marshmallow shake recipes. They were all pretty much the same, so I picked one from Oprah's web site, since it was based off a recipe from a restaurant known for their shakes.
This is the recipe for the Toasted Marshmallow Shake from I quartered/third the recipe so I could just test out one shake. And here's my personal pictorial:
Ta Da: the main ingredients.
The headliner: toasted marshmallows. If you use your broiler, watch the mallows carefully, it'll take less than a minute for those suckers to start burning up (and the recipe said keep them in there for 2-3 minutes!) Burnt sugar smell ... *cough*
Everyone in the pool (i.e., the world's most over-powered blender ever).
The end result: save a few mallows for toppers.
My verdict? While I think this is a great idea in theory neither BF nor I were overly impressed. I think the "toasted"/burnt sugar taste threw us off. But it is an easy recipe to try and may be right up your ally if you're a sweet tooth. These mallow shakes are supposedly the new thing, so it's probably better at restaurants, where they can put a chemical in the shakes to make you crave them fortnightly - like they do with the Colonel's chicken.