I found my camera cord...downstairs in the closet. Why was it down there? I have no idea. How did it get down there? Clueless. But I finally was able to "free" my trapped photos and do a real post...GFS STYLE!
(Franco Sarto Shoes via Marshall's...LOVE THESE. I will be wearing these out for the Spring)
If you notice, I haven't mentioned going thrifting in a very long time. It's been since Thanksgiving to be exact. I made a deliberate decision to stop. I was starting to accumulate way too much stuff. I gave myself a long break because honestly I was beginning to know too much about the people who worked at my favorite thrift stores!
I went back this weekend and stumbled upon some acid wash jeans. I KNOW! ACID WASH JEANS? Bringing the 80's back a little too hard? I KNOW!! But for some reason, probably due to my obsession with boyfriend jeans...I had to have them. I tried these 505 Levi's jeans on but they were quite honestly not made for my shape. I did however kind of liked the idea of them...which is odd because I HATED ACID WASH when I was younger.
I ended up not getting them...not even for 3 bucks but I wasn't as repulsed by them as I thought I would be. I didn't get them for the fit. I won't seek them out again but if I stumble across a pair of loose fitting pair for three bucks again...I might just have to bring the 80's back hardcore!
(My outfit: stolen borrowed men's shirt, Franco Sarto Shoes, Urban Outfitters Driver Cap, Target Belt)
I also did a little shoe shopping...and by shopping...I mean trying the shoes on and then deciding that I can problem DIY them for fun. They are cute. The shoes are starting to haunt me. I totally can see me rocking them with a gray t shirt and jeans! If anyone wants to DIY them for me and save me the trouble...go for it! I'll get my address to you!
Okay...gotta go...watching THE GOOD WIFE...OMG! Are you watching!?! Will and Alicia...then Alicia and her husband! AAAAAAAAAHHHH! I gotta focus...BYE! (if you don't watch The Good Wife...just look at the pretty pretty shoes:)