I am one of those people who has never, until recent years, exercised. I drifted along, lucky for me, with a physique where it didn't make much difference, I stayed slim and felt fairly well. All good.
Then a couple of years ago, we started going skiing as a family. Boo learned to ski, took to it very well and before I knew it, was zipping down the mountain ahead of me, aged 5. I could not keep up! I was breathless and sluggish. This was an epiphany for me; I realised I had to get fit in order to keep up with my kids.
So, despite the fact that everyone who knew me, knew I was not an exerciser, and there were a number of doubters, I took up running. I figured its free, its easy, its quick, anyone can do it. No gym membership needed, no special equipment. The first time I ran I felt like my lungs and my heart were competing for which organ was going to explode first.
But then, after a few times, it got easier. I found that ipod playlists and getting the right trainers helped, choosing some routes I liked. Now I run around the roads where I grew up and I re-trace the journeys I used to take on my bike when I was little.
I am a convert. There is a direct correlation between running and being happy. I have had some darker times in my life and I wish I had known how running would help. There is just something about it - it makes you feel....replete, contented, just good...
I have alot of friends (mainly school mums who are built to compete - why is that?) who think I should start running races, compete in my running. This just does not appeal to me. I don't run to compete, I run for me. For the feeling it gives me. Oh and by the way, it makes my body stronger, fitter and leaner. I think everyone should do it!