From one of my
Reiko, this Diva needs fashion advice. I demand that you add a new feature to your blog. I need you to answer fashion questions from your loyal subjects. I found some high-waisted pants slacks in the back of my closet. Are we still still doing the high-waisted thing?
Can you puhleez devote one post a week to answering questions? I will even be so kind to submit photos.
One of my followers, friends "follower friends" in Jersey suggested I do a feature for those who have style questions. So, thanks to Karla (that's her in the above pics), here is my first ever "GFS Diva Style Advice" Series!
On with it...High Waisted pants...I think that they still are fashionable...but it's all in how you wear it. I think the key is to jazz it up or down without looking like you stepped off the Jefferson Starship:) I have no idea what size Karla wears but I am betting that she wears size "evil" because this chick has popped out a baby and has a flat stomach!
So here are a few of MY ideas...
*Try finding a floral/printed blouse to add a little "umph"*
One of my blog obsessions is Vintage Valley where Alyce rocks the best vintage style ever. She was kind enough to grant me permission to use her photos of her rocking some High Waist pants to death...she totally looks like a model, doesn't she?
All in all, I hate to give "rules". It's all about your style, what works for you may not work for me....that doesn't mean you shouldn't rock your own style! Play with the Not So Obvious ways to rock old clothes! I hope this helps...and Karla, your next assignment is to send me pics of you rocking the pants for real!

I would like to say that I am not an expert, far from it...I like what I like. That's it. That's the extent of my expertise. With that said, if LL Cool J and Miley Cyrus can have fashion lines...I can have a Style Advice feature on my blog! If you would like to send me "style questions" to be in the next edition of GFS Diva Style Advice...shoot me an email with pics. If nothing else, it'll keep me busy.
GFS Diva Style Advice Rule: Whatever you do, shop in your closet...or your friend's closet when you are taking my advice! We are in a recession...atleast I am!