Calm down...

Back to work today with a vengeance! Busy, busy day made busier by complex drop-off and pick-up of children at the home of a friend. I arrived there after work, feeling rather frazzled, to find them swimming in their outdoor pool (heated to 80 degrees I was told!). They were all having such a great time, it didn't much help my doubts about returning to work. Ah well...

I feel the need for some calming images to soothe my day to night...

This is favourite at the moment...she is just so beautiful, that side profile and the hairdo. Love it.

How can an image of a ballet dancer not be calming? Utterly graceful...

Pretty, dainty gentle picture.

Now, there just had to be some tidy kitchen kitchen looks like a bomb has hit.

Ahhh George 'sigh'...

The stunning, other-worldly Monica Bellucci who reminds me of my lovely friend E. Although I know she will scoff when she reads that (as she is my secret blog follower), whenever I see a picture of Monica it reminds me of E on her wedding day...

Gorgeous dress...

Think I need to light one of these are relax...or 'chillax' as Boo puts it.