Beautiful blogger...

I have an award, kindly given to me by In Sniff's Choos, fellow Scandinavian blogger from Norway so thank you very much :-)

Its a 'Beautiful Blogger' award - my first - and the requirement is that I list seven interesting things about myself and list seven blogs I am liking - eeek...

Here are seven 'interesting' things about me:

Number One
My first job out of University was working in a publishing house, editing and writing children's books. This is not as impressive as it sounds, hardly Booker Prize winning literature, more like 'the cat sat on the mat'. I however learned alot and stayed there for about four years before thinking there was more to life than earning not-very-much for the luxury of saying I worked in publishing and wrote for a living. So I left, sold out for the corporate dollar...and that was one of the best things I ever did!

Number Two
My husband was actually 'the boy next door'. His family moved into my road; he lived at number 4 and I lived at number 5.  After years of living in the same road, we got together once I had left the area, when I was just 18 and back from University on a study break. I have known him for nearly thirty years and I have now been with him for longer than I have been without him.

Number Three
I was convinced when we bought our house that it was haunted. Its an old farmhouse and local stories pervaded suggesting one of the bedrooms had a 'presence'. We moved in, I was spooked for months and then over time decided there was nothing there. The fact that our cat gladly took to the room that was meant to be haunted made me think: if anything was there, it was a friendly thing, as don't animals pick up on room 'vibes'?!

Number Four
Both of my children weighed exactly the same when they were born, despite one being right on time and the other being early. My body produces babies weighing 7 lbs 11 ounces regardless of stay in the womb.

Number Five
I have a very good friend P, who used to be Home Office Forensic Scientist. She is, without doubt, one of the cleverest women I know. When she was working, her job was to turn up at a murder scene and work out who did it, based on forensic evidence. The stories she has to tell make my eyes water and my toes curl. I can't even begin to imagine the sights she has seen. She is an amazing friend to have as she knows everything about everything and her instincts - well let's just say, she is pretty much always right...and lovely at the same time.

Number Six
Whilst not that interesting, its all that matters to me at the moment; I have had tooth ache for the last couple of weeks. I posted that I was 'out of sorts' - well I have figured out this is why! Something is going cosmically wrong with my teeth. I have an appointment at the dentist tomorrow...I have already been three times and he could not work out what was wrong. Tooth ache is just the worst...I can think of little else.

Number Seven
I love, love, love 'Anne of Green Gables' and grew up watching it. Gilbert Blythe, puffed sleeves, kindred spirits, Marilla and Matthew, Prince Edward Island, Anne with an 'e'. I think every girl should see it. Definitely.

Finally I list seven other Blogs that, in my humble opinion, deserve this accolade. I have chosen blogs I like, some (not all) of which are 'newer' blogs, as when you start out, its nice to get some recognition, someone saying 'I like what you do'. So for these bloggers - a Beautiful Blogger award as I like what you do:

Turning a Leaf
The Littlest Things
Pink o'clock
Brown Button
London Zest