Order in my world...
There is something about these lines of lettuce that make me happy. :-) I think I crave order in life; things to be where they are meant to be. I don't do too well with upheaval and change. I am a simple soul.
I like a blank canvas...isn't this hallway image below just lovely? Makes me wonder what room it leads from and what's in the room its leading to? White-washed and fresh. My house does not much resemble this at the moment. Its week three of the Easter holidays (yep, I know Easter was ages ago...) and I am getting to the point where we have exhausted every trip, every entertainment, every game I know of to keep my children occupied. My house is full of life but also alot of plastic toys that lurk on every floor. Both my husband and I are off work this week, which I must admit has been lovely for me - a release from the corporate world and my place in it.
But back to order and change. I also like this room with the neat and tidy shelves. So I like things just so. Its a shame, I wish I was more of free spirit but hey - its the way I am. With my husband's job there is always a chance that we might have to up-sticks and move to another country. This prospect thrills and petrifies me in equal measure. Its so not me. I have lived within 3 square miles of the same city for over thirty years of my life (bar going to University, but then I still travelled home to see the 'boy next door' most weekends).
So....my best friend D is coming here on Friday. She is Godmother to our children and has been my rock of friendship for years. She has upped-sticks and moved to different countries a total of three times - to America, Spain and now she has settled in Holland. So a visit from her is a treat. We call her the 'bubble lady' as she has this freaky talent of making the most amazing bubbles with her hands. It has kept the Boos entertained at bathtime many times. So this image makes me think of her...