Our brownstone is in a little gated complex and the USPS drops off in the gated area, which is the rear garage side of our home. Everyone's got a little stand-alone mailbox but obviously not all mail fits in the box, so sometimes the postman will lean a package up against the corner of someone's garage door.
So 99.9% of people will notice a package when come home from a day at work and stop their vehicle to pick it up prior to driving in. Unfortunately the 0.01% that does not notice a package because they are driving a ginormous Jeep at Mach 1 and talking on their cell is my BF, and he has rolled on in over two different packages now. One package was a sweater - so no harm, no foul. The other package was a pair of shoes (sigh - RIP little ones).
I know we all love our significant others and there are multitudes of good things about them. However, I can't be alone in experiencing the little "d'ohs!" of everyday living with another human being (and it ain't like I'm perfect either - ha, hardly - but we're not talking about me here). Anything "d'oh"-worthy that your honey has done recently?
Sweater: Anthropologie Tabitha Spilling Ruffles (worn here and here before - similar online here and here)
Don't forget, I am still collecting your outfit outtakes for my new reader feature debuting on Thursday. Send your funnies to me at respecttheshoes(at)live.com!