I know we've all heard the term "Life isn't fair" and that could not ring more true than it does today. It has never been my intention with this blog to lay it all out there. It's meant to bring happiness to those of us who love and have a passion for shoes. It has never been anything but an outlet that is meant for pleasure and fun. It was certainly not my intention to have my "first post back" be a sad one. But, alas, this is what it is.
On Friday night not even 20 minutes after my husband and I arrived in our hotel room for a romantic weekend away to celebrate 8 wonderful years of marriage we received a phone call that will forever change our lives. Choking back tears, one of my husband's dear friends called with the news that my husband's older brother Bobb had died. He was 39 years old. 39. I just keep repeating that number over and over in my head. Unable to fathom how someone's life could be cut so short. 39.
On Sunday we will be leaving on a road trip to my husband's home town. As a wife it is hard to feel anything but helpless. Never do you want to see someone who you love more than life itself hurting. Devastated. I've found that I don't have the words. Even as his wife I don't have the words. And so I've resorted to touch. To comfort him through touch when words fail.
My husband has faced too much. Too much tragedy in his life. My heart quite literally aches and it hasn't stopped since that moment. I don't know if it ever will.