I'm sitting here at the lounge in LAX passing the time before I need to board my 20 HOUR LONG flight to Asia (mixed emotions here, ladies - super-excited about my trip, not hot on all the time I'll be logging in a big metal tube at 40,000ft).
But with some time to kill, I've got to catch up on some blog reading - and found out I'm in the running to run some beautiful jewelry from Tara's last giveaway! If you have a sec, please take a look at the candidates - and pretty please vote for me? You can check out the great line-up of fall garb and put in your vote HERE.
And if you haven't found Tara's fantastic Anthro-centric blog yet, please check out Little Girl Big Closet! Her outfits are gorgeous and I always always get jealous pangs staying at her thick glossy locks - le sigh!