A while ago, an Anarchist, Michele James-Parham was nice enough to link here on a post on her blog.
She described herself as a 'crusty punk person.'
I think I am too much of a conservative to call myself a punk. However, I do enjoy hardcore punk music. In fact, right now I am listening to Minor Threat, a band that Michele listed among favorite music. When I was 18, I aspired to be straightedge.
So can a punk adopt a shoes-off policy in his or her home? Punk rock is not generally associated with being bothered about dirt. It also might seem a little antithetical to punk to make people follow a rule.
However, in defence of punks who want shoes-off in their homes, having a shoes-off rule seems to fit in with the environmental concerns that a lot of punks have.
Furthermore, punk is all about chilling out and not being bullied by social convention. Somebody in the UK who wants a strict shoes-off rule must defy social convention to an extent.
Why should you allow guests to keep their shoes on at your party? Who cares about social convention. Live your life the way you want to!