Conntrolling Weight - News For Retired Dancers and Athletes

A study that appears in the February 6th issue of Cell Metabolism was conducted with Myomouse - a mouse type that was genetically engineered to produce Muscle II fibers. The kind he would have built using barbells, or in the slower press up type of pointe shoe exercises. The resulting gene adaptions showed that his chemistry could then reverse fatty liver disease, insulin resistance and other aging conditions.

"The researchers found that the "genetically reprogrammed" mice lost fat and showed other signs of metabolic improvement throughout the body. What's more, those benefits were seen even though the mice continued eating a diet high in both fat and sugar and didn't increase their physical activity at all."

"Slow Burn" by Frederick Hahn cites a testimonial by an M.D., who states that he reversed his Type II Diabetes by the Slow Burn fitness regimen. That is pretty exciting.

Teenagers who have tendency to gain weight to the point of obesity should look into this. Insulin resistance (leading to Type II Diabetes) can start at any age, if the diet is bad enough. That means overloaded with empty carbs that mess up the blood sugar regulation.

(I'm not suggesting that you should add Slow Burn to your ballet exercises or sports so that you can eat fat and sugar.)

Retired dancers and athletes often find that with a healthy diet for controlling weight, muscle mass is lost and fat slowly appears, despite disciplined work. The study with the "myomouses" showed that more muscle II fibers were lost than muscle I fibers. Muscle II fibers are the ones that give the body cues to - well, oversimplifying - stay young!

Even if we could be genetically reprogrammed for this, doing a slow motion type of exercise may be in our better interest. However, I am amazed at the progression of science in this direction, and hope that the results will be shared with, and available to everyone.

I've also become aware recently of The Pace Program (TM) by AL Sears M.D., which also changes the way the body metabolizes. is where you can read about the Myomouse study. The details are extremely interesting.

So if you've hung up your ballet shoes and pointe shoes, or other atheletic gear, simulate genetic reprogramming with Slow Burn exercise. Build strength, and work on controlling weight with optimum results.

Go here for "Slow Burn" in the book section. It is an amazing read.