Kill me now. Please.

The two most disgusting forms of footwear had a love child. Allow me to rant for a second...
What the EFF are you people thinking? Do you have that much distain for those around you that you just decide one day, "You know... screw it, I'm going to wear what's comfortable, no matter how shitteous I look."?
Seriously!!! There are comfortable shoes that don't make you look like you are working in a kitchen or training polar bears. WTF people? The fact that crocs are doing so well makes me sick. The saddest and most egregious offense is when people put crocs on their CHILDREN!!! The poor kids have no choice in the matter. What are we teaching the next generation?? We have a responsibility people! JESUS!
Anyway, without further delay, here is the most disgusting "shoe" in the history of man kind. The Crugg.

...I am going to my room to mourn the death of integrity in footwear.